• Breaking News

    Naran hakerek, sa mak hakarak hakerek sai

    Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

    Filme Facebook hetan lucro diak iha semana nee

    Los Angeles - 'The Social Network', film konaba Facebook ,susesu no hetan rendimentu to’o tokon US$ 23 desde lansa iha 1 Outobro foin lalais nee. Filme nebe obra husi David Fincher nee konsege tama iha pozisaun aas liu iha box office.

    'The Social Network' nudar  filme drama nebe adapta husi romansa non fiksi 'The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook, A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius, and Betrayal' obra Ben Mezrich. Filme neemos apresenta husi estrela Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield no kantor Justin Timberlake.

    enkuantu, pozisaun daruak box office semana nee monu ba  'Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole'. Filme nebe hetan sutradara husi Zack Snyder nee hetan lucro tokon US$ 10,8.

    'Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps' nebe sai vensedor iha semana kotuk tuun ba pozisaun datoluk. Filme nee konsehe halibur deit fundus tokon US$ 10,1 .

    Pozisaun dahat semana nee mak filme obra aktor Ben Affleck, 'The Town', ho rendimentu tokon US$ 10. Hetan tokon US$ 7, 'Easy A' tuur iha pozisaun dalima.

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